6月26日~30日の間、国連ハビタット主催の第11回世界都市フォーラム(WUF11)がポーランド・カトヴィツェで開催され、そのサテライトイベント(UN DESAと UNOSDが主催)であるSDGs推進に関するセッションに、フランクフルト事務所長が登壇しました。
※セッションのテーマ:「Enhancing the capacity of local and regional governments for delivering the SDGs through a Whole-of Government approach, smart cities, enhanced infrastructure asset management and resilience, monitoring & evaluation and innovative finance and partnerships」
(1)日時・場所 等
6月30日(水)9時~11時45分(JST:16時~18時45分)/International Congress Centre, Multifunction Hall, Room 7, 対面式
UN DESA(United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs)
UNOSD(The United Nations Office for Sustainable Development
- Good Governance to Accelerate SDG Implementation at National and Subnational Levels
- Introduction to the Whole-of-Government Approach
- Effective National to Local Public Governance for SDG Implementation
- Local and Regional implementation of SDGs: An introduction to Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs)
- Smart cities supporting an inclusive, sustainable and resilient society
- SDG monitoring and evaluation tools to accelerate actions at local level Local experiences of conducting a VLR and building a smart cities
- Impact Investment in Cities – Innovative Finance for SDGs Implementation at Local Level