City of Yokohama Global Offices
Information for Companies Seeking Opportunities to Invest in Yokohama
Our Global Business Support Network
Yokohama’s Support Network
Services for Companies from Yokohama
Our office provides services for Yokohama-based companies seeking to expand their business in North America. Please visit the Japanese language site for details.
Latest News

Yokohama City’s Contribution to the Development of Indonesia’s New Capital Region
Exploring the Potential of City Twinning for Sustainable Urban Development From October to December 2024, Yokohama City, Japan, implemented a new project aimed at developing urban planning professionals by hosting officials from Balikpapan, Indonesia, as...

Deep Tech Forum returns to NYC, announces upcoming Forum in Yokohama
Deep Tech Forum is a series of events organized by the Japanese venture capital firm Monozukuri Ventures held multiple times throughout the year in different regions, highlighting for a Japanese and international audience the key points of each region’s deep tech...

How Yokohama is Working to Make it Easier for Japanese Companies to Work with International Startups
The Office of the City of Yokohama Representative to the Americas recently hosted a webinar titled “Learning from Authentic North American Startup Pitches: Dialogue Tips for Collaboration — Second Seminar on Promoting Open Innovation with Overseas Partners” aimed at...

Yokohama City featured on very first episode of Ecosystem Support 360 podcast
The podcast Ecosystem Support 360, a video/audio show focused on showcasing the efforts of startup and business ecosystems globally, invited Yokohama City to be a guest on its first episode. Masahiro Nishikawa and Nikolai Muth from the Office of the City of Yokohama...