Japan is famous globally for its many vending machines, but a new project from the City of Yokohama is aiming to tackle the issue of food waste through a new type of locker-style vending machine...
Yokohama Mayor Takeharu Yamanaka promotes decarbonization initiatives and international collaboration at Vatican Climate Summit
Yokohama Mayor Takeharu Yamanaka visited Vatican City and Italy, where he participated in the Vatican climate summit hosted by Pope Francis and the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, speaking in front...
Yokohama City shares experience and knowledge with global cities in HLPF side event
During a panel discussion held at the UN headquarters during the High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF 2023), select cities from around the world shared their experiences with...
ASCC 2022: Discussing city to city cooperation alongside sustainability goals and local reviews
The 11th Asia Smart City Conference (ASCC 2022) was held virtually from November 24-25th, and was attended by over 900 participants from around the world, including representatives from overseas...
Nikkei SDGs Festival in NYC hosts discussions on global city initiatives, including Yokohama and NYC
The “Nikkei SDGs Festival in NYC” was held from July 11-12, 2022 as a side event of the UN’s High Level Political Forum (HLPF). Hosted by Nikkei Newspaper and Nikkei Business Publications, the...
Presenting Yokohama’s SDG progress at the 11th World Urban Forum’s satellite event(WUF11)
From June 26-30, 2022, the Chief Representative of the Yokohama Europe Office spoke at the 11th World Urban Forum (WUF11) organized by UN-Habitat in Katowice, Poland, at a session on SDGs promotion,...
Yokohama participates in 12th High Level Seminar on Sustainable Cities to discuss Asia’s SDGs and VLR initiatives
Yokohama City was invited to participate in the recently held 12th High Level Seminar on Sustainable Cities to discuss the promotion of Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs) of the Sustainable Development...
Yokohama City participates in UNOSD International Mayors Forum, discusses Voluntary Local Reviews
At the 2021-22 International Mayors Forum hosted by the UN Office for Sustainable Development held from January 24th to 27th, Mayor Takeharu Yamanaka and Ken Akaoka, Director General of the Global...
What cities like Yokohama are doing locally to make sure they’re improving the world
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are global goals set forth with the vision of improving life for all of us. Launched by the United Nations, the 17 SDGs and include ending poverty, reducing...
Yokohama Mayor speaks on environmental policies at SDGs Dialogue hosted by ADB
During the “Supporting Progress in Asia and the Pacific” SDGs Localization Dialogue hosted by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) earlier this month, Yokohama Mayor Takeharu Yamanaka and Toru...
Yokohama City releases Voluntary Local Review of Sustainable Development Goal progress
At the 10th Annual Smart City Conference held from October 26-28, Yokohama City released a Voluntary Local Review (VLR), a report voluntarily published by local governments to review the area’s...
Yokohama’s Determination for Net Zero Carbon Emissions and SDG Advancement
The UN Climate Change Summit, SDG Summit, and other related events were held in New York surrounding the UN General Assembly in late September. During the “Summits Week 2019,” Yokohama City...