SDG Leadership Cities Network
SDG Leadership Cities Network established in 2019 by the Brookings Institution is a network and community of cities around the world working to promote local leadership on the SDGs. The network seeks to solve urban issues in accordance with the SDGs by promoting peer-learning and collaborative problem-solving.
As of 2021, Yokohama City is the only member of the SDG Leadership Cities Network in Asia, and is making every effort to achieve the SDGs not only in Yokohama but also throughout the world.

Yokohama’s Commitment to the Network
43 Cities and Organizations Join Forces in Landmark Declaration, “Asian Cities Together Towards Zero Carbon”, led by Yokohama and Bangkok
On November 15, 2023, an important step towards reducing worldwide carbon emissions was made at the 12th Asia Smart City Conference as the joint declaration, “Yokohama Declaration: Asian Cities...
Yokohama City shares experience and knowledge with global cities in HLPF side event
During a panel discussion held at the UN headquarters during the High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF 2023), select cities from around the world shared their experiences with...
Mayor of Yokohama Takeharu Yamanaka joins Board of Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy
Yokohama, Japan is a leading city in Japan in fighting climate change and improving sustainability, and ever since he took office in August of 2021, Mayor of Yokohama Takeharu Yamanaka has been...
Nikkei SDGs Festival in NYC hosts discussions on global city initiatives, including Yokohama and NYC
The “Nikkei SDGs Festival in NYC” was held from July 11-12, 2022 as a side event of the UN’s High Level Political Forum (HLPF). Hosted by Nikkei Newspaper and Nikkei Business Publications, the...
New report shows results of three years of sustainable development from local cities
Yokohama City in Japan is one of the cities participating and represented in the “SDG Leadership Cities Network” hosted by the Brookings Institution. The Network is comprised of representatives from...
SDGs Leadership Cities Network Sixth Convening: World’s forefront SDGs-promoting cities gather in Washington, D.C.
The 6th convening of the SDGs Leadership Cities Network was held in a hybrid format in Washington, D.C. on March 2022. The Network is hosted by the Brookings Institution, a US think tank. Since the...