In July Yokohama and Frankfurt applied for the EU-funded project‚ International Urban Cooperation (IUC). This project links European cities with non-EU cities in a city-pairing for the duration of 18 months, in order to develop and implement concepts for sustainable city development.
The target countries are, among others, Japan, China, India, Canada, Mexico, USA, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru and many more. Together with the newly chosen city-pairings, there are currently 5 IUC partnerships in Japan.
Yokohama and Frankfurt – Mutual learning
Yokohama and Frankfurt were chosen for this pairing and will deepen the city partnership agreement of 2011 even further in the fields of environmental policy and urban development and work out solutions to common problems together. In more detail, Yokohama and Frankfurt wish to learn from each other in the fields of Energy Management, Smart City, hydrogen technology, as well as improving the public awareness and engagement.