The City of Yokohama is currently preparing for the official opening of their newest overseas base in New York City. This office, which will be the fourth overseas office for the city after Frankfurt, Shanghai and Mumbai, will be officially called the Office of the City of Yokohama Representative to the Americas and will carry out various activities to attract the interest of US & Canadian companies and support their success in Yokohama. While the central focus of the office will be on providing services to promote business cooperation between the City of Yokohama and the North American region, it will also conduct research activities to inform policy formation in the city, including future international initiatives.

Yokohama City’s Contribution to the Development of Indonesia’s New Capital Region
Exploring the Potential of City Twinning for Sustainable Urban Development From October to December 2024, Yokohama City, Japan, implemented a new project aimed at developing urban planning professionals by hosting officials from Balikpapan, Indonesia, as...