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ITOP Yokohama updates: Wireless communication in the IoT era, leadership program for data professionals

by | Feb 14, 2019

ITOP Yokohama, the city’s innovation platform for Internet of Things (IoT), big data, AI, and robotics, works with partners to organize various events to help the Yokohama IT community ready itself for industry transformation.

On January 24, ITOP Yokohama held a program for data professionals with discussion on the topic of wireless communication technology in the IoT (Internet of Things) era, organized as part of the Yokohama IT cluster exchange. The aim of the seminar was to showcase practical examples of wireless communication architectures required in the era of 5G-enabled devices and IoT. A keynote presentation was given by a representative from Soracom, Inc., a worldwide IoT connectivity solutions provider originally founded by AWS veterans and Telco engineers. Two Japanese platform providers, Acroquest Technology Co., Ltd. and Techsor Inc. were also invited to share their unique technologies to the community. Participants learned about various communication network architectures and exchanged ideas on choosing the best platform to match their business needs.

ITOP Yokohama has also collaborated with the Keio Research Institute at SFC ( to host a series of workshops aimed at developing industry leaders who possess the skills and knowledge to promote data management and utilization in the manufacturing sector. Four small or medium-sized manufacturers in Yokohama were selected to participate in a 4-hour workshop that involved both lectures and hands-on learning. There were two tracks that participating companies were able to choose from: the IoT track, which involved lessons on IoT device application and data utilization; and the data analysis track, which taught participants data analysis methods and processes and gave them opportunities to practice the newly learned skills using data samples. The workshops were held on January 18, 22, 25 and 29.

Learn more:
Information Technology in Yokohama
Highly Skilled Workforce
Read more articles about ITOP Yokohama’s activities

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