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Company Spotlight: mayunowa

by | Apr 30, 2019

Introducing mayunowa LLC, a startup company from Yokohama, Japan. Mayunowa provides makeup and skincare products made from silk, and runs an aesthetic salon in Yokohama.


Introducing a new skincare product made from highly biocompatible natural silks.

There is a protein found in silk called “Sericin” which has a high affinity for human skin. When silk is dissolved in hot water, the released Sericin becomes like a beauty cream. For those with sensitive skin, even gentle cleansers can cause irritation. Also, some cleansers will overclean, which isn’t good for the skin. Many different kinds of probiotics—beneficial bacteria—are naturally found on human skin, each with a very specific role. When applying cleansers to your face, there is a possibility for vital bacteria to be removed, collapsing the natural balanced ecosystem of your skin. Using silken threads filled with Sericin, we’ve created the “Sericin Beaute” facial brush. By soaking the Sericin Beaute in hot water and gently brushing it across your face, you can care for your skin without excess burden on its natural microbiology

The skincare program we offer, “Sustainabeauty by Silk,” is patent-pending, based on its probiotic qualities and support for natural skin health and functionality.

“We want to introduce Japanese quality and craftsmanship to the world while continuing the traditions of the Japanese silk industry.”

Japan’s silk industry has a long history, and silk products are considered premium quality items, as evidenced by the kimono. Such items are rarely used on an every-day basis anymore. However, recently silk has been the subject of research for use as a medical biomaterial for implantation in the body. We are developing, manufacturing, and selling skincare products and cosmetics that utilize silk’s medically-recognized biocompatibility. By devising and promoting new methods of using silk, we hope to contribute to Japan’s silk industry. We launched our services in 2018, in Paris, France. In the future, as we strengthen our business’s foothold in Japan, we want to introduce Japanese quality and craftsmanship to the world while continuing the traditions of the Japanese silk industry,

Interviewed on April 9, 2019.

Company Name mayunowa LLC
Established 2015
Headquarters Kamikurata-cho 995, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama, 224-0816, Japan
URL https://mayunowa.co.jp
Contact matsuoka@mayunowa.co.jp
Management Yuko Yokoyama, President
Major Business Skin care tool, cosmetics and related services

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