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Meet the innovative Japanese life science companies from Yokohama participating in Bio Digital 2021

by | Jun 7, 2021

For 2021, the BIO International Convention will be again held virtually as “BIO Digital.” This virtual gathering of the global biotech industry provides access to key partners via BIO’s One-on One Partnering system, educational resources to help drive businesses and insights for critical research and development.

We are glad to announce that Yokohama-based companies are once again participating in BIO Digital in 2021, seeking partnering opportunities with the almost 3000 US and international life science companies currently registered in the partnering system.

Yokohama-based companies participating in BIO Digital 2020:


  • CellFree Sciences Co., Ltd.
    We offer services to support protein-driven research and development projects. Using our own cell-free protein expression technology allows us to work under controlled reaction conditions to meet with our clients’ needs.


  • MabGenesis Inc.
    Expand druggable space by providing first-in-class and best-in-class therapeutic monoclonal antibodies against hard-to-drug targets in human and animal fields.


  • Reprocell*
    The REPROCELL Group is dedicated to providing researchers with single source bench-to-bedside solutions for the advancement of stem cell and human tissue research in drug discovery and regenerative medicine.


Alongside these companies, we at the City of Yokohama Rep. to the Americas office are participating in BIO Digital as well, focusing our efforts on helping US life science companies expand into Japan.

The convention was held digitally last year under the same moniker due to the COVID-19 pandemic. One of many conventions experimenting with the conversion to a digital format, BIO had the benefit of relying on its already-online partnering system. In previous years, the system was designed such that you could set up meetings and arrange your schedule in the weeks leading up to the convention, and then attend those meetings in person. Now, the system will provide partnering users with a private virtual meeting link, and the rest of the educational and other content is likewise delivered digitally.

For the 2020 Bio Digital, BIO reported that a total of 7,260 participants attended, and noted that 2020 marked their highest investor and student attendee count in the history of the convention. Additionally, 26,867 meetings were scheduled during the event last year by the 3,269 companies participating in the Partnering system. This number remains consistent with the current data for participating companies this year, which indicates that the experiment of BIO’s International Convention going digital has not left partnering companies disappointed.

We welcome all companies and participants attending BIO Digital 2021 to reach out to the Yokohama-based companies in attendance, or ourselves, if interested in a meeting.

*Note: While the company’s HQ is located in Yokohama, Reprocell has many international offices and is participating in the partnering system under a US address.


Related Links: 

Bio Digital Website

Yokohama’s Life Science Industry / LIP Yokohama

Life Science – Industry Deep Dive


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