Europe Latest News 

Presenting Yokohama’s SDG progress at the 11th World Urban Forum’s satellite event(WUF11)

by | Jul 7, 2022

From June 26-30, 2022, the Chief Representative of the Yokohama Europe Office spoke at the 11th World Urban Forum (WUF11) organized by UN-Habitat in Katowice, Poland, at a session on SDGs promotion, a satellite event (organized by UN DESA and UNOSD) of the Forum.

Topic: Enhancing the capacity of local and regional governments for delivering the SDGs through a Whole-of Government approach, smart cities, enhanced infrastructure asset management and resilience, monitoring & evaluation, and innovative finance and partnerships

The session included an introduction to SDG implementation, monitoring, and evaluation, a video message from the mayor of Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture, and a presentation by the Chief Representative of the Yokohama Europe Office.

He introduced the significance of Yokohama’s SDG Voluntary Local Government Review (VLR), specific initiatives by the SDGs Design Center, which serves as a base for promoting the SDGs, and the Y-PORT project, which aims to solve urban issues occurring in emerging cities from the perspective of contributing to the SDGs.

■Session Overview
(1)Date – Time – Place – Format
   June 30 (wed) 09:00-11:45 (JST 16:00-18:45) / International Congress Centre, Multifunction Hall, Room 7 – in-person format
UN DESA(United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs)
UNOSD(The United Nations Office for Sustainable Development


  • Good Governance to Accelerate SDG Implementation at National and Subnational Levels
  • Introduction to the Whole-of-Government Approach
  • Effective National to Local Public Governance for SDG Implementation
  • Local and Regional implementation of SDGs: An introduction to Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs)
  • Smart cities supporting an inclusive, sustainable and resilient society
  • SDG monitoring and evaluation tools to accelerate actions at local level Local experiences of conducting a VLR and building a smart cities
  • Impact Investment in Cities – Innovative Finance for SDGs Implementation at Local Level


Further information about the Yokohama City VRL Initiatives can be found here

Further information on the session and the presentation material can be found here



Europe Latest News

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