Yokohama Latest News

Mobile water purifiers sent by Yokohama used in testing for Odesa alternative water supply

by | Aug 11, 2022

Following the donation and shipment of mobile water purifiers from Yokohama, Japan to its sister city of Odesa, Ukraine, the city of Odesa announced the following news*:

*Translated from Ukrainian.

In Odesa, the implementation of the city’s alternative water supply project continues.


Water from local reservoirs is currently being analyzed with regards to its further use, after treatment using mobile systems received from our sister city of Yokohama. In total, Yokohama provided 33 such systems to Odesa.


The water is collected from an open source. Cleaning takes place in three stages: mechanical, through carbon filters, and ultrafiltration. After receiving the results of laboratory tests, it will be clear whether the water is suitable for consumption or will be used for technical needs.


“Every day the occupiers are becoming more aggressive, and attacks are being made on infrastructure facilities every day. We must be ready for anything, including the possibility of a need for an alternative water supply for the city. Our task today is to examine all available reservoirs,” said Gennadiy Trukhanov.


This project between Yokohama and Odesa was the result of a mayoral meeting between the two cities in May. During the meeting, Mayor Gennadiy Trukhanov requested the support of the Mayor of Yokohama, Takeharu Yamanaka, concerning the concerning risk to the Odesa’s water supply.

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