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Event for European mobility start-ups to co-create innovation with Yokohama

by | Sep 16, 2022

The Asia Berlin Summit 2022 is an annual week-long event on start-ups and ecosystems in Berlin. As its official satellite event, the Drivery Go to Japan “Yokohama” Program was held on 15 September for European mobility start-ups on the theme of innovation co-creation with Yokohama.

Last year, the City of Yokohama started a partnership with The Drivery,  an innovation hub in Berlin specializing in the mobility sector, with the accelerator CROSSBIE   (based in Berlin and Yokohama) as a partner for innovation co-creation with Yokohama. As part of this initiative, around 40 people gathered in an informal atmosphere using the opportunity of a breakfast meeting at The Drivery.

The Drivery’s CEO explained the purpose of the event, followed by an introduction from the Chief Representative of the City of Yokohama Europe Representative Office on Yokohama’s support for start-ups, innovation promotion through industry-academia-government collaboration, and the city’s experience in demonstration projects and concentration of global mobility-related companies, etc. The COO of CROSSBIE JAPAN introduced the “The Drivery Go to Japan “Yokohama” Program”, which includes one-on-one online matching sessions and arranging business meetings during visits to Yokohama.

More information on the Future City Yokohama you can find here.

More information on the Yokohama Future Organization, promoting innovation through collaboration between industry, government, academia and the public sector you can find here

Timon Rupp : Founder&CEO, The Drivery GmbH

Takehiro Kuribayashi: Chief Representative, The City of Yokohama Europe Representative Office

Atsushi Kondo: COO, CROSSBIE JAPAN Co.

Europe Latest News

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