From November 11 to 13, the Director of the International Bureau of Yokohama City visited Constanța, Romania, to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the sister city affiliation. They met with Mayor Vergil Chițac of Constanța, to confirm the friendly relationship between the two cities and to exchange opinions on how to promote further cooperation. Deputy Mayor Sergiy Tetyukhin and others from Odesa, Ukraine, which has a sister city relationship with both cities, were also present at the meeting, and the three sister cities exchanged opinions on the support for Ukraine.
After the exchange of opinions, the Director of the International Bureau of Yokohama City donated winter clothes to the Deputy Mayor of the City of Odesa.
More information about the emergency support and provision of winter clothing to Odesa you can find here:
Emergency Aid to Odesa, Ukraine for Warm-weather Supplies! ~Second round of local humanitarian aid following the mobile water purification system – Yokohama City
In addition, the group visited the stone lantern (donated by the City of Yokohama in 1982) installed in the city’s Tăbăcărie Park. On that occasion, they met with members of the Constanța Haiku Association and deepened exchanges with them.

From the left, Mr. Hashimoto, Director General, International Bureau, City of Yokohama; Mr. Tetyukhin, Deputy Mayor, City of Odesa; and Mr. Chițac, Mayor, City of Constanța

Stone lantern in the Tăbăcărie Park

Constanța City Hall