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Yokohama attends international conference on decarbonization and climate change in Paris

by | Jul 31, 2024

Mayor Yamanaka was represented by Global Networks Department and Zero Carbon Society Promotion Department at the Capital Conference of Mayors for Climate Action and GCoM (Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy) Board Meeting held in Paris from July 24.

Paris is accelerating its environmental transformation policy in the wake of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, and this series of meetings was held as part of that effort. As Yokohama City is also focusing on decarbonization, the meetings were an opportunity to strengthen inter-city collaboration.
At the Capital Conference of Mayors, each city made presentations and exchanged opinions on their decarbonization policies.
At the GCoM Board Meeting, where last year Mayor Yamanaka was appointed to represent the East Asia region, discussions were held based on the Coalition for High Ambition Multilevel Partnerships (CHAMP), formed at the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Dubai in 2023.

Yokohama City will continue to use such opportunities to further city-city partnerships, form international networks in the field of decarbonization, contribute to enhancing its international presence, and promote the decarbonization of the global community.

GCoM Board Meeting

Mayors Summit (Copyright on this and the main picture: Henri Garat)

Europe Latest News

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The “EU-Japan Subnational Climate Action Workshop: Exchanges between Cities in Europe and Japan – Opportunities for a Resilient Future” was held under the co-sponsorship of the City of Yokohama

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