Contact the New York Office

Get In Touch With Us

Office of the City of Yokohama Representative to the Americas

1251 Avenue of the Americas
Suite 2385
New York, NY 10020

Tel. 646-905-3758

Office of the City of Yokohama Representative to the Americas

We appreciate your business interest in the City of Yokohama. Please use the form below to submit inquiries to the NY Office.

    Contact Other Offices

    The City of Yokohama Europe Representative Office

    Bockenheimer Landstraße 51-53
    Rhein-Main-Center, 4. Stock
    60325 Frankfurt am Main

    Tel:  +49-(0)69-242311-0

    Office of the City of Yokohama Representative to Southeast and South Asia

    IPROM Japan Desk
    Department of Industrial Promotion
    75/6 Rama VI Road Thungphayathai Ratchathevi Bangkok 10400 THAILAND


    上海国际贸易中心813室 (8层)

    电话 021-6841-5777

    City of Yokohama Global Offices

    General business inquiries to this website.