On July 25th, the Office of the City of Yokohama Representative to Southeast and South Asia participated in the “Startup Thailand League 2023: Demo Day” at True Digital Park. This event showcased 100 prototypes selected from 48 universities nationwide, and each booth displayed innovative products from many fields such as agriculture and food, lifestyle, medical healthcare, and e-commerce. The environment was conducive to the creation of startups from the younger generation who will be responsible for the future of business. At True Digital Park, a wide variety of events related to startups, energy, technology, etc. are held every day, both online and offline.

True Digital Park is Southeast Asia’s largest technology startup hub. This vast campus brings together more than 5,800 startup ecosystem players, including startups, small and medium-sized enterprises, foreign companies, investors, universities and academic institutions, governments, and more. It is conveniently located in the heart of the Bangkok CyberTech district and is directly connected to BTS Punnawithi Station. In addition to offices and coworking spaces, True Digital Park also includes event spaces, open labs, a shopping center, and a library.

After the Startup Thailand League 2023: Demo Day, the Yokohama Southeast and South Asia Office exchanged opinions with the business development department of True Digital Park about startup initiatives in Thailand and startups in Yokohama city, and introduced the international events Y-SHIP Convention 2023 and the 12th Asia Smart City Conference, which our city will hold from November 13th to 15th.
〇True Digital Park
〇Y-SHIP Convention 2023
〇12th Asia Smart City Conference