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Yokohama City Mayor delivers speech at Subnational Climate Action Leaders’ Exchange (SCALE)’s Climate Week session

by | Sep 26, 2024

Climate Week NYC is being held from September 22-29 in New York City alongside the UN General Assembly, bringing professionals, scientists, government representatives, and many high-level players together to discuss progress and the next steps needed to advance climate goals. Today, Yokohama City joined the discussion in a major way as City Mayor Takeharu Yamanaka delivered a speech during the Subnational Climate Action Leaders’ Exchange (SCALE) Climate Week Action Dialogue, presenting Yokohama’s climate goals,  progress, and ongoing initiatives in Asia.


SCALE is an initiative announced by President Biden in 2022, designed to empower subnational “champions,” and SCALE’s Climate Week Action Dialogue, organized in collaboration with the U.S. Department of State and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, featured high-level representatives from across the public and private sectors dedicated to enhancing subnational climate ambitions.


Mayor Yamanaka’s speech was delivered via recorded video message alongside other subnational representatives presenting progress and challenges in their regions. Yokohama City and New York City were the two cities represented by presenters in the session, and other subnational regions represented included Maryland, Brazil, and Germany.


Mayor Yamanaka informed the participants about Yokohama’s greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, including a 50% reduction by 2030, and its initiatives to achieve these targets. These included plans to decarbonize Yokohama’s central business district through lighting efficiency and introduction of ample renewable energy from the Tohoku region. Yokohama’s port is also a target for decarbonization, with plans underway to generate and transport renewable energy from a floating offshore wind farm and supply it to the waterfront area and port, alongside other initiatives such as ammonia and methanol bunkering.


Finally, Mayor Yamanaka touched on Yokohama’s efforts to involve and collaborate with other developing cities throughout Asia, supporting their urbanization efforts through introducing climate change action plans, and plastic waste disposal and energy saving tech in Bangkok, Thailand; Cebu, Philippines; Da Nang, Vietnam; etc.


The moderator, C40’s Managing Director for Climate Solutions and Networks Cassie Sutherland, offered her thanks to Mayor Yamanaka for his message, remarking on Yokohama’s “amazing ambition” in its delivery of climate action as well as its efforts towards international partnerships.

C40s Cassie Sutherland meeting with Satoshi Sekiya of Office of the City of Yokohama Representative to the Americas

For more information on Yokohama’s climate action and sustainability goals, visit Yokohama: A Green Hub in Asia

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