Office of the City of Yokohama Representative to the Americas

Yokohama NY Office 2023 - Nikolai Muth, Satoshi Sekiya, Akiko Axe, Masahiro Nishikawa

Our mission for North America

The mission of the Office of the City of Yokohama Representative to the Americas is to contribute to the prosperity of the regional and global economy by promoting the mutual development of North American and Yokohama businesses. Our mission is based on Yokohama’s long-held value for economic development: “Growing Together with the World,” which the city has prided itself on ever since it opened its doors as the first international port in Japan in 1859. We firmly believe that promoting business opportunities for both North American and Yokohama businesses will lead to the creation of jobs and stimulate local economies in both regions, which will in turn contribute to global economic development starting from Yokohama.

Services for North American Companies

Our office is ready to support companies seeking opportunities in Yokohama. Working closely with the Yokohama municipal government, Kanagawa prefectural government, JETRO and other partners, we will serve as the first point of contact to connect companies to the right people and resources to maximize their growth prospects in Yokohama. Our agile, free-of-charge services make use of our wide-ranging resources and networks in both Japan and the US and can be tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual client.


Market Intelligence & Research

Providing economic and demographic data to support comparative analysis and well-informed decision making

Site Selection Assistance

Assisting the selection of the most suitable location for your business, including real estate searches

Early-stage Business Support

Providing information on incubation facilities in Yokohama

Incentives Consulting

Pointing out the most suitable business incentives

Networking Support

Recommending B2B matching platforms and networking events in Yokohama

Workforce information

Providing information on recruitment opportunities

Site Visit Facilitation

Assisting pre-relocation visits in Yokohama in coordination with JETRO and Kanagawa prefecture

Public Relations Support

Assisting public relations in Yokohama (e.g. press release support)

Collaboration Facilitation

Identifying opportunities for collaboration and providing tailored advice

Yokohama City Information

Providing general information on city services, community, and daily life in Yokohama

New York Office – Past Staff Network

谷澤寿和 Toshikazu Yazawa

Toshi Yazawa

NY Office
10/2018 – 3/2023

Latest News

Global Sustainability Startup Pitch Event

Global Sustainability Startup Pitch Event

~Solutions to world-wide issues from world-wide startup companies~ The Office of the City of Yokohama Representative to the Americas is excited to announce the "Global Sustainability Startup Pitch"...