Latest News
Yokohama Economy by the Numbers
by New York Office | Dec 7, 2018
We have compiled a handy document which includes an assortment of economic environment data for the City of Yokohama, including population demographics, industries, and labor statistics that will be...
Best-Practices of the IUC cooperation in Brussel
by Frankfurt Office | Nov 28, 2018
Yokohama and Frankfurt further deepened their partnership in the field of energy, environment and urban development when in mid-October they met with representatives from this year's 80 cities...
The City of Yokohama and WeWork co-host an event in NYC
by New York Office | Nov 21, 2018
The beginning of November was marked with two exciting developments between the City of Yokohama and New York City. The NYC-based Office of the City of Yokohama Representative to the Americas began...
Yokohama follows the hydrogen mission to the Netherlands
by Frankfurt Office | Nov 21, 2018
As the City of Yokohama is quite eager in progressing the hydrogen development the Chief Representative went on a hydrogen mission to the Netherlands at the beginning of October, that was initiated...
26,607 attend Embedded Technology/IoT Technology event in Pacifico Yokohama
by New York Office | Nov 19, 2018
The City of Yokohama and the Yokohama Industrial Development Corporation (IDEC Yokohama) hosted the Yokohama Pavilion at the Embedded Technology/IoT Technology in Japan (ET/IoT Technology) event...
The Office of the City of Yokohama Representative to the Americas launches promotional website, begins partial operations to prepare for official opening
by New York Office | Oct 31, 2018
The City of Yokohama is currently preparing for the official opening of their newest overseas base in New York City. This office, which will be the fourth...
IUC delegation from Yokohama visits Frankfurt Energy Department
by Frankfurt Office | Sep 25, 2018
Meeting back in Frankfurt After a delegation of members of the Frankfurt Energy Department had visited Yokohama in April this year for first talks within the framework of the International Urban...
Sustainable Urban Development made in Yokohama and Frankfurt
by Frankfurt Office | Dec 7, 2017
In July Yokohama and Frankfurt applied for the EU-funded project‚ International Urban Cooperation (IUC). This project links European cities with non-EU cities in a city-pairing for the duration of...
Yokohama receives C40 Award for the best measures tackling Climate Change
by Frankfurt Office | Jan 23, 2017
The Yokohama Smart City Project, within the frame of the Future City, was awarded the C40 Cities Award for the constant efforts in finding solutions and working against the climate change. The Smart...
Office of the City of Yokohama Representative to the Americas
1251 Avenue of the Americas
Suite 2385
New York, NY 10020
Tel: 646-905-3758
The City of Yokohama Europe Representative Office
Bockenheimer Landstraße 51-53
Rhein-Main-Center, 4. Stock
60325 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: +49-(0)69-242311-0
Office of the City of Yokohama Rep. to Southeast and South Asia
DPROM Japan Desk
Department of Industrial Promotion
75/6 Rama VI Road Thungphayathai Ratchathevi Bangkok 10400 THAILAND
Tel. +66(0)63-079-5250